Monday, March 1, 2010


My fast lasted 21 hours. Not too bad considering how I've been eating lately. Had to cave and eat a small bowl of Rice Krispies and Honey Nut Cheerios. I couldn't decide which was better. They both seemed bad in large doses. So I mixed maybe half a cup of each and went with it. Actually stopped at one bowl. I'm proud of myself for that alone :D

Nearly a full day without food. Not perfect, but better than I have been lately. All in all, a good way to start the new month :)



  1. Congrats on 21 hours :] My god, I love Rice Krispies haha. Wish I could stop at one bowl all the time x.x

  2. Dude, ditto that. Whenever I eat cereal I throw down three bowls in like ten minutes. It's redic.
